Stuck in your own crazy world.

Stuck in your own crazy world.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

I wish... to be like a kid again. Can I?

for some people, movies like Rising of the Guardian would be some sort of a joke.
what's all these Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Sandman, or even Jack Frost jokers are trying to do? they're just KIDDIES' stories. they ain't real.

answer to that? lies on which you stand on.
your own to settle.

instead of talking about the characters themselves, why don't we talk about something else more important like the VALUE of it?

the thing is, this movies itself teaches me of the importance of 


When people or even LIFE itself tells you that all these are bullshit, trust me, those people who said it are the ones that has issues, not you.
People's perception about all these is that, "you go to school, you graduate, and then you go for work to earn a living, and then you might be having your own family, and then you retire from your work, and then that's the time you'll have grand kids, then you get old enough and then, you fill in the last blank." which is NOT WRONG.
although it's NOT WRONG, but it's definitely NOT RIGHT either.
what I'm trying to say is, life doesn't have to be FIXED in these ways.
everyone has imaginations, everyone has dreams to achieve, everyone has visions that they see, everyone has witnessed miracles before in their lives or through the lives of others, and most importantly, everyone has hope, towards someone or something.
just because that reality is cruel, I've been stupid enough to let life or even the society to shape my thinking towards these things.
true enough, there are times, where reality is our teacher.
so don't let life, people, or even the rules tells you that you can't do it, you won't be able to make it, or you're not gonna be there, things like that.
lastly, all of these are NOTHING WITHOUT LOVE.
let all of these, be done in Love.

Lord, please restore it for me. every single broken pieces of it. I want You and I need You.

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