Stuck in your own crazy world.

Stuck in your own crazy world.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

black black night.

5/5/2013- Malaysia's "The Dark Age"?

the moment where people's mouth are silenced with unexpected results,

the moment where people's cries for this nation is getting intense,

the moment where riots are happening everywhere,

the moment...

where all hope seems to be lost,

where darkness takes over the whole atmosphere,

let me tell you this, fellow brethren.

God has put us in this place, in such time like this,


but let me tell you this,

change doesn't mean that it's an instant thing,

but don't lose hope just because changes didn't happen as what you expected.

moreover, keep that burning spirit within you.

cause you know what?

darkness ain't eternal, it's just the absence of light.

and where there is great darkness, there is greater light.

want a change? BE THE CHANGE.

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